Oberpfälzer KünstlerhausOberpfälzer Künstlerhaus SchwandorfOberpfälzer Künstlerhaus Oberpfälzer
Künstlerhaus I + II
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Haus I
Internationales Künstlerhaus
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Gastkünstler im Internationalen Künstlerhaus

zur Gastkünstler-Übersicht

István VÖRÖS (Schríftsteller)

wohnhaft in: Budapest

Aufenthaltsdauer: 21.08.2014 - 15.09.2014

Partnerhaus: Pécs writers program


1964 born in Budapest

1987-92 studies at the ELTE University Czech and Hungarian literatures

1988 1st poetry book

1991 visiting scolar at the Charles University, Prague

1992 visiting scolar at the Columbia University, New York

1992 1st book of short stories

1993 1st book of essays (together with István Kemény) and a new book of poetry

1994 - 1997 the editor of JAK's Translation Books. (He published books by Robert Menasse, Javier Tomeo, Michael Donhauser, Michel Tournier, Heiner Müller, Walter Abish, Piotr Szewc, Michal Viewegh, Venedikt Jerofejev)

1995 his son was born

1997 starts to teach at the Czech Department of the PPKE University

1998 resident at the artists colony of Yaddo in the USA

1998 Jan Smrek prise, Bratislva

1998 PhD. degree –literature (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

1998 A book of short stories

1998 Tibor Déry prise, Budapest

1998 Milán Füst prise, Budapest

1999 book of selected poems

1999 his daughter was born

1999 publishes a book of translations of the poetry of Vladimír Holan

2000 the Holan-book became the best translation of the year in Hungary

2000 reading in Bucharest

2000 Vilenica Cristal, Slovenia

2001 published his 10th book

2003 Attila József prise, Budapest

2003 plays performed by Balthasar Theater and Studio K. Theater, Budapest

2003 Hubert Burda prise, Heidelberg

2004 Vilmos pirze of the Hungaian theater critics, Pécs

2004 1st book for children

2004 1st poetry book in German (Die leere Grapefruit, Edition Korrespondenzen, Wien)

2004 starts to teach creative writing at the PPKE University

2005 readings in Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Prague, Bratislava, and Romanian towns

2005 Premia Bohemica prise, Prague

2006 new plays on different stages

2006 readings in Bremen, Dornbirn, Berlin

2006-07 resident in Berlin as a guest of the DAAD Künstlerprogram

2007 readings in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Ostrava

2007 4th book of short stories

2008 1st poetry book in Czech (V okně spící, Protimluv, Ostrava)

2008 2nd book in German (Heidegger als Postbeamter, Edition Korrespondenzen, Wien)

2009 2 new poetry books

2009 3 new plays on stage (Budapest, Maribor, Kecskemét)

2009 readings in Zagreb, Miskolc, Zürich, Prague,

2009 a book of short stories in Bulgarian

2010 2 new plays on stage

2010 1st book of plays

2011 readings in Sofia, Vienna, Győr, Szombathely, Miskolc, Nyírbátor, Sopron

2011 1st novel and a new poetry book

2012 readings in Brno, Esztergom, Nagyvárad (Oradea), Selmecbánya (Banská Šťavnica)

2012 poetry book for children

2013 Readings in Vienna, Poznan, Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Szeged, Szolnok, Pécs, Szigetvár, Marosvásárhely (Targu Mures), Sepsiszentgyörgy, Dorog

2013 2nd book of plays and 2nd novel

2014 5th play for Balthasar Theatre on stage

2014 the winner of 19th Hungarian Playwrite’s Competition

2014 Readins in Prague, Berlin, Brno, Bistrita






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